Birth of the Tiptons
Philip Davidson

Published: April 2024
Paperback: 298 pages
Price: £11.99
ISBN: 978-1-915972-44-6
Available on Amazon

Birth of the Tiptons
by Philip Davidson

This first part of the Tipton Saga is a romp through Victorian England with the first generation of the extraordinary Tipton family.

It follows the twin Tipton boys growing up in a Black Country orphanage seeing the industrial revolution taking shape.

However it appears an external force is pulling the strings on the boys. Not one force, but two, and this is because of their highly unusual parentage which they are initially unaware of.

In adulthood one brother joins the East India Company, the other a large industrial ironworks. They have a fallout and a near fatal fight in the half-built Crystal Palace in Hyde Park, but they come together for George's application to the Great Exhibition of 1851. After a brush with royalty it becomes necessary to escape to the new world and lay low for five generations as the enormity of the fantasy and the destiny of their task is revealed.

Starting in 2019 it is encumberment on their descendants, two beautiful women, to secretly begin this task.

The Adventures of Mischievous Mabel
Catherine J. Leeves

Published: April 2024
Paperback: 56 pages
Price: £5.99
ISBN: 978-1-915972-37-8
Available on Amazon

The Adventures of Mischievous Mabel
by Catherine J. Leeves

When Mr and Mrs Dartmoor win a new motorhome in a competition, it gives them the opportunity to travel to the Algarve region of Portugal for a road trip holiday with their now grown-up (yet continually mischievous) border terrier Mabel.

Having discovered how much chaos a little puppy can cause at home in the United Kingdom, what mischief might their four-legged family member get up to in a different country?

This is the question Mr and Mrs Dartmoor ask themselves as they take a leap of faith and embark on a further adventure with their little dog.

Beyond English
Anthony Fitzgerald & Beata Holeckova

Published: March 2024
Paperback: 48 pages
Price: £7.00
ISBN: 9781915972392
Available on Amazon

Beyond English
The Missing Pieces of Your Bilingual Identity You Won't Learn at School
by Anthony Fitzgerald & Beata Holeckova

Mastering English is complicated. Students from many different countries admit that whilst making great progress with learning the English language, they still do not understand English people completely. The hidden meanings, unwritten rules, nuances and humour really confuse them. If you wish to uncover the missing pieces that traditional education overlooks, this insightful guide will take you on a journey beyond textbooks.

Anthony Fitzgerald and Beata Holeckova offer a unique exploration of English language and culture to make it easier for you to understand the English, enjoy their ways, and communicate with greater depth and proficiency. A must-read for learners eager to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and authentic communication.

Anthony Fitzgerald has been involved with language for a lifetime. He started as an advertising copywriter and continued with his own advertising agency. He worked for Time Magazine with postings all over the world for nearly twenty years and has now become an Executive Coach to help people with their careers and their lives. Anthony has written English commercially for fifty years and has lived in seven different countries, sold in over forty countries and visited at least eighty countries. He’s had to adapt his speaking and writing to suit audiences all over the world.

Beata Holeckova is an educational entrepreneur, an experienced and successful teacher of English as a second language, and a neuro-encoding specialist. Originally from former Czechoslovakia, Beata started taking language classes in English aiming to become fluent. After an eye-opening year in the UK in 1995 she emerged with near fluency and clear that English was her passion. She began her English-teaching career in 2000 and has since worked with groups of multinational students of all abilities, ages and levels of skill. Her mission is to empower non-native English learners, enabling them to master the language, and forge a new, bilingual identity.

Essays on Massage History 1750-1950
Leonard A Goldstone

Published: Feb 2024
Paperback: 288 pages
Price: £15.00
ISBN: 9781915972101
Available on Amazon

Essays on Massage History 1750-1950
by Leonard Goldstone

A history of significant masseuses, masseurs and Western massage from around 1,750 CE. up to the middle 1900s, in a series of essays in approximate historical order.

The essays stand, and can be read, independently in any order of interest. The essays on early massage form the background to more ‘modern’ developments, in particular in the late 19th century, which was a golden age of literature about massage and a time when eminent doctors figured large in massage writings in the USA, UK and Europe – their important texts often stand in quite startling contrast with 21st-century practice and their writing and the massage developments they describe have received scant attention in 21st-century texts. They offer a world of opportunity for researchers to re-assess.

The author describes how medical audit evolved in the late twentieth century but was anticipated by doctors and masseurs assessing the effectiveness of massage in the mid-19th century. The essays also cover developments in the early- and middle-twentieth century associated with The First World War and the rehabilitation of injured soldiers, along with the (mainly) masseuses who did this work.

In addition, they discuss some controversial areas such as who created so called ‘Swedish Massage’; who were the first writers on medical audit; who was possibly the foremost authority on massage of the late 19th and early 20th century but whose name has been almost erased from history.

The book concludes with a chapter profiling the work of a man who designated himself as a masseur into the 1960s, long after most, former ‘masseurs’, became ‘physiotherapists’, possibly the last ‘masseur’ in England at the time.

The author qualified in Massage in the early 1990s at the Northern Institute of Massage, then in Blackpool, England, following in his wife Jennifer’s footsteps and enthusiasm, she having been an orthopaedic and later paediatic registered nurse for many years, prior to becoming a full time remedial masseuse.

Another massage qualification followed from the West London School of Massage whilst the author was in full time employment as Professor and Dean at the London South Bank University in the Faculty of Health and Social Care. The author has held full time Faculty positions in the University of Manchester and the Open University, as well as Visiting Professor in the Medical School of Queen’s University Belfast.

The author’s academic interest in massage history grew from the mid 1990s, being in London with its great libraries and pioneer distinguished hospitals, some of which opened their records for searches of the how, why and when massage was initiated. Many guest lectures and seminars on massage history in other universities followed and continue into formal academic retirement, together with research papers in prestigious journals, culminating in this volume.

Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment


Fergus The Silent by Michael McCarthy, published by YouCaxton, has won the biennial creative writing prize awarded by the British and Irish Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment, the body which represents teachers and scholars of environmental writing and eco-criticism.

The novel imagines the rediscovery of the great auk, the legendary extinct Atlantic seabird, on a remote Scottish island, and the actions of the man who stumbles upon the birds – but who then keeps his discovery secret for seventeen years, with ultimately disastrous consequences.

The great auk formerly bred in Scotland but is believed to have gone extinct in Iceland in 1844.

The book emerged at the head of a very strong shortlist, on which it was the only self-published work.  The result was announced at the ASLE conference in Liverpool on August 30th.

“This is a wonderful novel,” said the chair of the judges, Richard Kerridge, leader of the MA in Creative Writing at Bath Spa University.

“It combines a passionate and complex and at times disastrously painful love story, with a story about species loss and extinction, of a particularly ingenious and exciting kind.  The plot structure and pace are superb. The joy, fear and greed arising for different characters from this astonishing find are beautifully worked into a moving, dramatic story.”

The author Michael McCarthy is a former Environment Correspondent of The Times and Environment Editor of The Independent, and an established writer on environmental themes. His book The Moth Snowstorm – Nature and Joy was shortlisted for the Wainwright Prize in 2015.

However, he was unable to find a publisher for Fergus The Silent and in the end published the book himself. It is his first novel.

“We are particularly delighted to award the prize to a self-published novel,” Kerridge said. “It is surprising that a book of this quality by a distinguished author didn’t find a mainstream or trade publisher.”

“Serious realist fiction that engages with these problems still has to fight for its place.”

“I have a very good agent but he simply could not find anyone to take the book on,” McCarthy said. “He received a whole series of what he termed ‘rave rejections’ – as in, ‘we think this is great but it’s just not quite one for us.’ In the end I got fed up with it just being a file in my computer and published it independently.

“I am honoured that it has received the prize.”

Fergus The Silent is published by YouCaxton Publications, ISBN 978-1-914424-38-0. It is available on Amazon, price £12.99.

For more information:
Richard Kerridge,
Michael McCarthy,

Oxford Literary Festival

Oxford Literary Festival runs from 16-24 March, events include conversation with Will Hutton, Sharron Davies and Chris Patten among a long list of names. This year’s festival will have a new hub in Blackwell Hall, Weston Library, Broad Street

(Image: Oxford High Street, David Nicholls, Flickr)
Visit: Festival website 
Visit: Pocket guide

Travels with a Dangerous Friend
Anthony Fitzgerald

Published: Feb 2024
Paperback: 158 pages
Price: £9.99
ISBN: 978-1-915972-17-0
Available on Amazon

Travels with a Dangerous Friend
Searching the world for a message in the bottle
by Anthony Fitzgerald

Circumstances lead Anthony to emigrate to America aged eighteen. Working in lowly jobs in New York he falls in love with an older woman, moves to Chicago and lives in the African-American quarter of South Chicago.

In London he enters the advertising industry and then joins an expedition driving to Australia. In Australia, the ‘lucky country’, life teaches him drinking ‘Australia style’. Then he joins an Aussie and two Americans to drive through Africa.

Back in London, now an advertising copywriter, he earns reasonable money and unreasonable drinking habits. He fathers a child and, once again, moves on.

In Kenya he starts a company, gets married and has two children. He gets his hunting licence and goes on safaris. He travels extensively in East Africa enjoying the hedonistic lifestyle of the European in Africa. His wife parts from him and back in England he joins Time Magazine.

Time Magazine sends him back to South Africa with his new wife, and then to Holland and Scandinavia with a lifestyle of conspicuous entertainment. Although successful he becomes more dependent on alcohol. The low points are frequent and disaster looms. This is the story of his journey and final redemption.

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